My Asia experience has not disappointed so far. When traveling to a new country/ continent, it can be hard to know what to expect. The new place can be envisioned like this big, shapeless Nothing; any scary possibilities could exist there. But in the last few years, many countries have not felt that different from each other. Much of the world's city-level operations and layouts work in similar ways.
So far China (or the little ive seen of Hong Kong/ Shenzhen) breaks the mould.
* high rises. The first thing visible driving out of HK airport are multiple, uniform apartment building high rises, set in what appears to be no proximity to a business district. It's skyscraper as suburbia.
* no houses. Where are the houses? Guess those kind of hoods are less popular around here. (did see shanty towns though.)
* bridges. A fellow in my airport minivan was keen to point out -- longest suspension bridge here, cable guided here, very long bridge there. Boston meets SF on one drive.
* no downtown. Shenzhen is one of China's top tier cities and it grew up over 30 years. Like Phoenix growth on steroids. The skyscrapers span across the horizon. Seems like there couldn't have been enough of a historical rallying point to build a downtown around. (In fact, Carrie, who I'm staying with, says they've created fake historical statues...?)
* and again: 4 of the exact same skyscrapers all next to each other
* Carrie: "this [ apartment she lives in ] building is old- like 10 years old."
* ATMs around here like to give advice. (pic later)
* they drive on the left here, British-style ( figures)
* mmm, lychees
No wifi. Will check in w folks if I can ever get a qual moment w some wifi.
You didn't mention the plane trip. Did you get any sleep along the way?